by BuildCenter Team | Oct 28, 2021 | Construction
Construction crews work hard to make progress on their assigned task every single workday. The question is… much progress did they make? This question is important when planning out projects and for assigning workers to projects. It often feels like a juggling...
by BuildCenter Team | Oct 28, 2021 | Construction
The construction industry has made many strides in productivity in the past 20 years. Just consider what battery powered tools has done to make workers more productive. There are many areas in construction that have not improved causing lost productivity and extra...
by BuildCenter Team | Oct 28, 2021 | Accounting or Payroll, Construction
Workers compensation audits are part of being in construction but they can go bad if you aren’t ready For most construction companies, meeting with a workers comp auditor (either remotely or in person) each year is normal. It can create high anxiety for those of us...
by BuildCenter Team | Oct 28, 2021 | Accounting or Payroll, Construction
What is Job Costing, and Why Does it Matter? Construction Job Costing is the fancy term for knowing how much profit was made (or lost) on a specific job. This is essential to your company’s success because projects can easily go over budget. You need to know if...
by BuildCenter Team | Aug 28, 2021 | Construction
In the construction industry it is very common to pass on the business to the next generation. If a son or daughter is willing to step in and take over, why not. It has taken years to build the business and there is value in that. Why throw it away by shutting down...
by BuildCenter Team | Jul 2, 2021 | Construction
Change Orders are part of construction and we should not expect them to go away. The reason is simple… is not a perfect science and things change. The problem is, many subs and gc’s don’t follow some simple strategies that will increase change order...
by BuildCenter Team | Jun 28, 2021 | Construction
Construction materials are rising for wood, metal, plastics and more. Reliability of material costs has vanished leaving many in the industry wondering……how do I protect my bottom line? Price increases for materials is not uncommon but it’s typically once or...
by BuildCenter Team | Jun 2, 2021 | Construction
Owners of small to medium sized construction companies have long feared “what will happen” if they took a long vacation. I get it. They are the leader and it feels impossible to leave town when projects are under construction and workers need to know what to do. I can...
by BuildCenter Team | May 28, 2021 | Accounting or Payroll, Human Resources
In construction, workers can spend long days performing their trade. This can lead to overtime pay even if they work only a little bit over a standard 8 hr work day or 40 hr work week. It’s important to know about the concept of rounding and grace periods when it...
by BuildCenter Team | May 2, 2021 | Accounting or Payroll
Amazingly 61% of projects are behind schedule and more than half of those are over budget on hours. This problem can ruin a company’s ability to make a profit and longer term send a company in the wrong direction. In construction, there are generally two main...