The administrator as well as users given permission, are allowed to add projects to BuildCenter. The project requires a name only but many other fields such as project identifier (Number or code), address, client, project manager and supervisor. Watch this short video to see the steps.

A list of projects can be imported into BuildCenter to speed the process of setting up the system.

Watch the video to see how easy it is.

The administrator user is allowed to add additional users (employees) to the BuildCenter account. This process requires the Admin to login and enter the users names and email addresses so they can be sent an invitation to create a password and login. Watch this short video that explains the steps.

Category: General Questions

Start by signing up for a company account at This process will create an Admin (owner) account that you can then invite others to join. Watch this video for step by step instructions.

Has the Admin created a company account yet? If not see “How do I get started” above. If the company account is created, have you been invited as a user by the admin? if not, have them add you as a user and invite you (via emial) so you can login to buildcenter.

Personal contact information is captured by users and stored securely online. Only authorized users can access personal contact information.

In order to use BuildCenter, you will need to login with your user account. Users are invited by the admin user.